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Monday, 5 July 2010

Beatnik tired of taking a beating.

I've been reading blogs and websites about Arsenal for years. I've always found them interesting and insightful. Differing opinions are what makes the world tick. Its what breeds competition, progression and invention.

Specifically, I've been reading Arsenal News Review for years, Myles Palmer is a wonderful writer whose thoughts and opinions always give me pause for thought. I either agree with him or wholeheartedly disagree, but he's an inspiration and one of those that made me write what I do today, untrained and unprofessional as my site is in comparison.

The web is full of people who hide behind their computer passing opinion in a very disrespectful manner to those that provide content such as Arsenal News Review. Remember, Myles doesn't get paid for the articles he writes (except maybe a bit of ad revenue) but I'm sure he would rather be concentrating on his books which are hugely successful and a great read.

Myles provides his content subscription free because he loves writing and Arsenal is something he feels passionate about and is certainly knowledgeable about.

To those that criticise his views, I say this, everyone is entitled to an opinion, everyone is entitled to have a blog and say what the hell they like, but have the balls to front up and speak with consideration. You may feel empowered for spouting off, but hiding behind your computer and criticising someone for not agreeing with you is sad. Deal with it. Millions of people don't agree with me and my thoughts every day consciously or not. I want to win the lottery on wednesday, that means a whole lot of folks won't win it, would they want me to have it? HELL NO. But I dont expect hate mail if I do get lucky.

A naff analogy, but its true, if you don't like it, deal with it, criticise if necessary, but above all be respectful. We're doing this for the love of it. Not to attract unnecessary, unwanted and wholy unwarranted attacks.

Myles, I respect you, I don't agree sometimes, but I love reading your work.

Til next time


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