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Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Tomas Rosicky - Master of the one-touch game

Arsenal's forgotten man Tomas Rosicky was imperious last night. His game seemed to pass almost unnoticed by the commentators as he glided around the pitch making interceptions, creating chances and accelerating our attacks using his vision.

Without Rosicky we lack something different, his ability to control a ball at pace and ping it off one-touch to one of our players.

Last night he was awesome, his assist to Wilshire a testament to his skill and control. He displayed the best part of his game last night, his excellent workrate, determination, creativity and quality. No wonder we've missed him so much. I'd take him instead of Denilson and Diaby every game. He tackled back, he fought and created opportunities across the pitch.

Rosicky will win us games this season, I hear clammering for him to shoot, but I believe his best work is done outside the 18yrd box and I expect much from him this year.


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  1. Excellent view mate. Most of the lad's work goes unnoticed. He's a class act; I love his close control, change of direction and pace and the fact that he's very direct in his approach.I'm happy he's currently enjoying his game.

    On a lighter mood mate, great blog you've got here. What do you say we swap links?

  2. Yes and when he loses the ball he will chase the dude and win the ball back with an excellent tackle... on of my favorites...Rosicky

  3. a pity wenger doesnt start him often.

  4. Is col 2 him back in our starting lineup i hope he start on sunday in place of arshevin

  5. I have always hoped that he would make a successful return from his injury problems. He's a world class player and we're miles better with him in our side.

    As for the link exchange send me a mail with your details and I will gladly add you (azraels at gmail dot com)

