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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Wellington Silva - suffering at Levante

The usual spite from the Daily Mail continues. Usually I wouldn't give stories like this the time of day, but the tone of the Daily Mail article frustrated me, they are almost revelling in dealing this spiteful article, which is no doubt misquoted and mistranslated.

Wellington is struggling to settle and isn't getting much game time at the moment, which is causing the media to wonder/make up stories why.

The Daily Mail has said the following;

'I want him to be more professional in his behaviour,' Garcia said. 'Arsenal want us to work and help him and not only in terms of football. 'We've drawn up a programme for him and I want more time spent with his team-mates to help him settle and with the different language.

'He does have a problem settling in, being lonely. It's important that he has someone to help and guide him.'

Read more:

Firstly, the lad's 18 and has just moved to a new country. Its a whole new way of life for him and its tough. I remember when we first loaned out Vela the same articles were doing the rounds, saying he was unprofessional and difficult.

Twelve Months later those sane teams and newspapers couldn't get enough of him and didn't want him to go back to Arsenal. Take such articles as these as a pinch of salt, he's a young lad finding his way in a new country, with a new team.

The old adage will always ring true, "Form is temporary, Class is permanent". Don't worry Welly old son, it'll be reet.


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