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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

3:1 not enough. Not nearly enough

In truth its nothing to do with the scoreline, I wanted a better performance than that. We are so much better than they are. Yes they made it difficult, but we should have been more incisive.

We were all over them like an angry moss and I feel we lacked penetration at times. Denilson didn't really have a great game and I wish Rosicky was there or Wilshire instead. That way their midfield five would have been chasing back rather than closing us down.

Negativity aside however, we've qualified and thats all that matters for now. Performances will need to come later against the later teams.

I'm excited and mildly fearful of our next opposition on this form.


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1 comment:

  1. Arshavens declaration of fitness was evident, after not a bad 30min he laboured, i find it amazeing this far into the season and the games he has played that he can still be lacking fitness, his passing and attempted crossing was apparent,maybe a spell with the reserves may get it back,Alex Song, his freedom to roam,and his never ending energy is an example to his teamates another first class performance, pity we havn't got another nine of him we could win everything, the passing of the other midfielders was pityfull,will we ever shoot, i dont believe there keeper had a shot to save unless you count Arshavens attrocious cross, or was it a pass back, for a man who did very little he went off looking exhausted,we looked like a side under pressure and it showed when Sagna got sent off, i would put him and Song as the best two players by far.
    Heres me whingeing and we won 3.1 the game monday will be a nailbiter.
