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Monday, 13 December 2010

Chamakh could be the key that unlocks ManYoo

Marouane Chamakh has certainly justified his ridiculous transfer fee of £0 since his departure from Bordeaux into our esteemed ranks.

Chamakh is a spiky, hard-working striker not often found in todays game. He's skillful and he is extremely intelligent at working the opposition defence and creating space for himself and others. His partnership with RvP so far has not been on Song, but there is clearly an understanding and this will only grow stronger.

He's tough too, when fouled he just brushes himself off and gets on with it. He fights for the team at every opportunity and its rare he doesn't have an impact when he plays.

I really think he's create a lot of space in between Vidic and Ferdinand tonight and RvP and Nasri will tear through it and score. I really think we will win and I'd have my money on it.


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1 comment:

  1. Let's hope your right! COME ON THE GUNNERS!!
