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Monday, 8 November 2010

Playing within yourself-the Cesc Fabregas Story

Having injuries is a nightmare. We've seen it time and time again with players who are still carrying the psychological scars following an injury. Players like Walcott, Djourou and Van Persie who've been unlucky with injuries will all tell you the same. The physical injury is only half the problem.

Sundays game carried an air of despondency which has been highlighted across the blogosphere with Fabregas being vilified for a below-par performance. You can see it in his face. He's scared stiff of doing his hamstrings again. He doesn't want to become the next Van Persie or Michael Owen who just have to sneeze and they're on the treatment table.

I feel for him, he's given so much for us (and been handsomely paid for it mind!) and I wish I could wave a wand and make that worry go away. Arsenal needed him yesterday and unfortunately he didn't feel able to step up. I'm loathed to believe the hyperbole that his mind isn't on the Arsenal job as he's always been very honest about his allegiances and how much he feels he owe's Arsenal and Arsene Wenger.

I wonder whether he's reeling from this weekend's press reports about Arsene's supposed infidelity. Certainly he idolises Wenger and hearing that perhaps he isn't as perfect as he seems to be could have affected Fab's mental state.

Its all speculation, but if someone I viewed as a 2nd father figure suddenly went from being practically god to me to suddenly being flawed and human it would probably shock me too. I'm not saying Wenger is or has been up to anything, practically I couldn't care less but there is a chance it could have affected the onfield performance of our players.

Lets hope its all sorted soon.


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