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Monday, 8 November 2010

Sometimes its better being an ostrich!

I've been off the radar this weekend. 'Er indoors and I have moved into a new home and naturally my focus since thursday has been on facilitating the move as smoothly as possible.

I was unable to watch the game, I currently have no Sky Sports or Internet so I chose to ignore it altogether ensuring that my focus was securely on the job at hand. Needless to say the fallout in the blogosphere has been pretty hyperbolic at best and people are enjoying banging their knee-jerk drums.

I've discussed the game with a colleage who watched it and we've made the following conclusions; Firstly, Fabianski made a mistake, a bit of a howler but bearing in mind he's been excellent recently I don't think its fair to castigate him further. Goalkeeper is a lonely job at times.

It seems for all of our posession and attacking flair we just didn't stick it in the bag. With the attacking talent we have that shouldn't happen. It really shouldn't. Defensively Newcastle did well to keep us out and a lot of that is down to their young keeper.

However, football is a results game and we didn't get the result. No point in analysing it futher but to say that we should have done better. Now lets move on to the next game and put it right. Chelski getting stiffed by the Scousers was a great result. Super happy about that and I'm sure a few scousers were too...and probably saved a few cars from having their radio's and wheels nicked.

Onwards and upwards gooners, its a slip up that we could have done without, but really no harm done. We can easily still peg back ManYoo and Chelski, they're not playing well either.


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