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Thursday, 11 November 2010

Vermaelen and Diaby - a tale of two ankles

Arsene Wenger said yesterday that the Verminator's achilles has let him down again and forced him out of training. Apparently it all seems gravy but when he starts training on it he gets pain and has to stop.

Like my semi-pro grandfather (go on Hendon FC), Thomas's achilles tendon appears to be a real possible season-ending issue. He's been sent to a specialist to determine what the problem is. I wonder whether, given the frequency with which we seem to get ankle knocks if it might be worth employing one of these specialists full time.

In 2010 so far we have had 15 ankle/foot injuries. 3 of those were Diaby, two Van Persie. Diaby has also suffered 3 calf strains so far this year. These can be passed off as twists and turns, but its these recurring injuries across the squad that concern me. Are they not being treated correctly? *

I can understand fractures and breaks, I can understand ligament injuries. But recurring muscle injuries and strains can decimate a squad and we need to be aware of it. As a squad we've had 65 different injury incidents this year alone (up to today) which is a staggering amount. I'm not saying other teams don't have similar numbers but to me its a big surprise.

I'm not bashing the medical team because they've sorted out Rosicky, Ramsey and Eduardo to name but a few. Just perhaps we need a bit more experience in the clinic?

Playing my modest sunday league (with reasonable success) you could expect 1 player to be unavailable through injury every now and was extremely rare to have more than 2 out at any one time from a squad of twenty.

I know they train harder, the game is 100 times faster than anything I could muster and they are bound to be more susceptible because they are on the precipice of fitness.

I guess the numbers just flabbergast me and I'm looking for answers.


*Injury information from

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